On top of packing, planning (visa, flights, hostel bookings...) AND work (yup, still working to make as much cash as possible before the trip)... Well I guess the most important thing has been spending time with the people I love here in SF.
Its really crazy to think how much my life has changed over the past 18 months since I moved to SF. I've made great new life friends, seen a whole different part of the country and grown as an individual.
That might be the biggest part of the equation for me that has become so apparent here in the last days of my "mid-20's SF" life chapter.
Leaving the east coast was strangely a big emotional decision for me. I felt at ease there. I had family close, good friends and had mentally decided I wanted to live there when I was younger. Boston was amazing but it was part of a progression in life that pushed me to seek change.

Thus when I had the opportunity to "go west my young son..." I took it and ran.
Little did I realize at the time how much I would grow and learn through the numerous people here in SF that would touch my life.
I can honestly say I'm the happiest version of "me" here in SF than I've ever been. SF friends ROCK!
So to all of those this weekend who surprised me with a bottomless mimosa lunch and an afternoon of kareoke, THANK YOU!
I have only been surprised a few times before in my life and this was by far the best!
Your warm wishes and off-key songs (lol) meant more to me than you can imagine and I'll be thinking about those twelve hours of boozing for a long time.
It was a fitting event since it was during our "kickball practice sunday" that I first realized I was going to be really happy SF and couldn't wait to become friend with all of these awesome people.
A big shout out to Ariana, Ari and Alicia for handling the legwork of the event. I love you guys.
17 days. Its getting a bit sentimental, but its also getting really exciting.
good stuff depude. Wish I could have been there....